Twenty Years From Now

Have to share a chuckle from earlier today. Was waiting on a to go order @ Fried Green Tomatoes after one of my meetings outside the office and one of my Greenville based web competitors popped down beside me. Exchanged pleasantries–then ‘popped’ the question I get asked a lot in my arena. “OK. Straight up. When are you going to hang it up?…” I had my shades on and just chuckled, moved my shades down my nose and shot back with a wink …”Well, when the Rapture takes place.” 🙂 Just say he didn’t linger long. The legendary Mark Twain quote seemed relevant – it was on Cody Alcorn’s farewell post today. The past 22+ years have been amazing – the next 20+ (if the Lord tarries) will be a Great Adventure. And I’ll still be doing what I do when they check me into Assisted Living. Come and join me then–we may can get a group rate. Saddle up your horses–we have a trail to blaze. 😊