ThePIVOT2o2o begins October 1, 2020.
“Be prepared and be honest.”
– John Wooden, American coach (1910 – 2010)
Admittedly–and I think I speak for all of us–our families, our Circle, our Tribe, our lives, and our businesses have been turned ‘on a dime’ in early 2020 by the COVID pandemic. Our 2020 Business Plans morphed into day to day, week to week, month to month of ‘how to’s – and we all learned along this journey that our day to day way of conducting our businesses and how we had to adjust to an ever changing marketplace was daunting. All along this 2020 journey, I was daily thankful for God’s provision that He allowed our business to be ‘built’ for this–step by step over these now 20+ years, His hand was at work. He led in spite of me–in spite of all my strategic blunders, missteps and shortcomings–and there have been many. He gave me a Team, a Tribe, a Circle of core brilliant associates and strategic creative partners (many of them still with me decades later) that made me look like our slogan – ‘Not just simple, Simply Brilliant’ beyond any hopes or dreams I may have had. And He gave us a valued client base who believed in our creative vision and loyally stood with us, recommended and referred us time after time. So here we are October 2020. Is it time for your business to pivot–modify or change direction, adapt or adjust your marketing strategy–or just talk through and strategize together how we finish out 2020 and pivot 2021 planning to what we know here and now. What’s next? Reboot. Pause. Pivot. I can and welcome to help you do just that. The legendary UCLA coach John Wooden had a saying – ‘Be prepared and be honest.” Let’s do this together.