It’s getting real – the move upstairs is in countdown mode. Absolutely loved working and living in this space for 5+ years–those who have graced #00 at an event, a meeting, a holiday meal or a game night got to feel first hand just how special this space has been for my business and for me; admittedly the white/sterile walls that were filled / covered are oddly freaking me out a bit tonight and twinges of sadness for some strange reason. Moving sale is this weekend and movers here next Wednesday. ‘The Old will become New…’ The new space upstairs ROCKS–its warm, inviting with stellar views and I’ll make it my own again like #00 – just need to finish it up the grueling process. And yes, moving sucks pond water. And downsizing 2800+ SQF is a daunting chore. Deep Breaths. #HopeFueled2022 #TheCarolinaCollaborative
The Old Will Become New