He’ll Find A Way

Wrapping up a wet & stormy Thursday night @ West Court prepping for meetings tomorrow. One of my favorites, the extraordinary Babbie Mason tonight for creative inspiration. Praying for many. Love for all. Rest well, Friends. He’ll find a way.
‘And at times your heart is breaking
With a pain that’s so intense
And all you hold are broken pieces
Of a life that makes no sense
He wants to lift you up and hold you
And mend each torn even
He’ll pick up the pieces
That you though that all been spent
God will find a way, oh, yes, He will.
For I know if He can paint the sunset
And put the starts in place
I know that He can raise up mountains
And calm the storm-tossed waves
And if He can conquer death forever
And open heaven’s gates
Then I know for you, I know for you
He’ll find a way.’