Life is about the People…

Life is about the People you meet and the life you create with them in it.

One of the interesting aspects of living downtown is the People I get to meet just in my morning and afternoon walks–you know the look (especially from the exits of the River Street Garage)–most of the time it’s directions or ‘Where Am I??’.  From a child, I guess it’s just in my genes to never meet a stranger–I rather enjoy it as People intrigue me–getting to know them briefly and making a brief positive impact on their day.  I have been SO fortunately blessed in my life…there are People that have left and leave eternal imprints on my life and I am so ever humbly grateful.  Life is not about wealth or fame, but about imprints and the life you create around you.  Life is short.  Be Happy.  Love Each Other.  Live Your Dream.  Wear Your Passion.   Create Your Life.  #ReKindle2019